2008. május 31., szombat

Real-to-Virtual Transaction: New Entreprenuers Make a Virtual Fortune

There is a new virtual market that has emerged in the 21st century that allows gamers to profit from their passion of MMORPGs. Earning money from massively multiplayer online roleplaying games has become a profitable industry that has provided great wealth for individuals from all walks of life. Whilst some disregard it as a fad amongst the technorati, others recognize the potential of this very viable business model. The "virtual warehouse" of workers is immense, with the working population of thousands in the People's Republic of China working alongside the millions of avid MMORPG gamers.
Real-Money Trading is rarely discussed by the international press and so it remains an unknown property to the majority of the world's population. Nevertheless this phenomenon exists in most MMORPG titles including World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XI (FFXI), EVE Online and EverQuest 2. This can be shown in EVE where gamers progress through various PvE and PvP situations in order to fill their pockets with the game's currency. Many gamers decide to spend their hard-earned currency on themselves, but some decide to approach the task like a business, utilizing any means necessary to bolster their reserves of currency and sell it on for real cash.
You may ask why the developers of MMORPGs dislike and even actively deter real-money trading. Intellectual property infringement is the most commonly given reason for objection by gaming companies, but there are also accusations of hacking, scamming and phishing within the industry. Developers often try to persuade players within the game that the practice is detrimental to game-play or the world's economy. Legally, real-money trading breaks no laws and has led to no convictions within the Western world, but pressure for government intervention grows each day.
Even though some take issue with the ethics or principles of the practices, virtual trading is here to stay. Opportunity is not just limited to the USA and Europe; countries such as South Korea and Japan also have vibrant RMT industries. A bright future lies ahead with new opportunities available in yet unreleased titles, the most promising of which being Age of Conan.
Written and distributed by www.MOGS.com - providers of FFXI Gil

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