2008. április 28., hétfő

9 Free MMOs Worth Playing

Today I got my latest issue of PCGamer where they played over 60 different free MMOs and selected 9 as worth playing. I figured you guys could get some good use out of this list so here it is.

Crime Craft

Sort of like GTA except with more crime and less driving around. It uses the Unreal Engine 3 and isn’t set to be released until Spring of 2009, so its about a year away but it’ll be free to play.



No suprise to see Mythos making the list. We’ve covered Mythos before, but if your not familiar with it it’s a Diablo2 clone, but a MMORPG instead of a regular RPG.


Requiem: Bloodymare

An extremely gory and bloody horror MMORPG that lives up to its name. Originally created in South Korea the game has made its way to western audiences. Currently the game is in Beta, but will be released shortly.


Dungeon Runner

A comical MMORPG that is a lot of fun to play and is free as long as you allow them to run an ad banner while your playing. However for only $4.99/month you have the option to remove that.


Sword of the New World: Granado Espada

An MMORPG with an anime look that at one point had a monthly fee but is now free to play. Sword of the New World allows you to control up to 3 characters which separates it from all the other MMOs out there.



Currently in open beta, Holic is a MMO with a very cutsie look. What seperates this game from others is that users are able to create there own dungeouns and quests once they get far enough into the game.


Shaiya: Light and Darkness

We covered Shaiya before so its no suprise to us that PC Gamer selected it as one of the best free games out there. Shaiya concentrates on long term development of your character and heavy PvP action. If you ever played Lineage, this game is right up your alley.



Another anime inspired MMORPG from Korea, however this one suffers from horribly translated dialog. Aside from the bad translations, Kiesta is a good looking game with solid game play.


Cabal Online

A solid fantasy MMORPG that doesn’t really make any breakthroughs, but features good gameplay, story and PvP via duels. Considering its free to play, if your looking for a casual free fantasy MMO, this could be the one for you.


Source : www.mmocrunch.com

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The lifecycle of an EverQuest 2 hotfix

EverQuest 2 Associate Producer Jennifer Gerull posted an entry on the official EQ2 developer's blog the other day, discussing the process involved in pushing out a hotfix to the game. Though she equates herself to 'George Jetson with longer hours', endlessly pushing buttons all day, it's an interesting look into Sony Online Entertainment's revision process.

As Gerull describes it, code fixes are pushed to an internal server, where the QA department can take a look at them. If the build of the game compiles nicely, it's reviewed by Quality Assurance to ensure the changes are working as intended. If the build doesn't compile nicely, some poor developer gets saddled with "a really ugly doll named 'BoB' that gets to sit on their desk until the next coder gets the "Breaker of the Build" title."

While most of the time the team waits patiently for QA to do its work, important hotfixes result in rushed phone calls and nervous waiting. Inelegantly applied solutions can have the QA team sending one or two of the items on the hotfix list back to the coding team, which in turn requires Jennifer to start a new internal update. She notes that each internal update is labeled with a letter, starting with A and working down. "A few times I've gotten all the way to L, M and N builds, but that is usually the exception rather than the rule on the number of iterations in one day. By the time we get to N, its usually time to go home and try again the next day." Make sure to read on for the full view of this process, and hints of future developer updates to come.

Source : Massively.com

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2008. április 25., péntek

Champions Online preview hints at villains

The guys over at 1up.com have a great two page preview/interview covering Champions Online. The preview itself covers quite a bit, including Cryptic's time with the Marvel MMO, customization in Champions Online, combat, the Xbox 360 version and of course some hints at what we may see for villains. Overall the preview expands on a lot of these subjects, with quotes for Jack Emmert giving away a detail or two here and there.

The big tease about the villains has really piqued our curiosity, as Emmert says, "But it's something we're thinking about in Champions: Is the gameplay experience the same for a hero and a villain? But that's part of our top-secret plan we're not talking about."

A lot of people on the official forums have been clamoring for some kind of villain gameplay and Cryptic has previously shown they pay attention to the community. We would love to see the villain side play dramatically different from the hero side of Champions Online. The big question left to Cryptic is exactly how villains will be a different experience from heroes? By: Massively.com

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2008. április 24., csütörtök

Stargate Worlds: Overview

Cheyenne Mountain Entertainment has partnered with MGM Interactive to adapt the popular Stargate television franchise into an online world. Powered by the Unreal 3.0 engine and staffed by MMO veterans from around the industry, Stargate Worlds allows players to experience this rich and varied universe in a new way.

The team set out to translate real world tactical combat into their MMO. While tactics will be closer to reality, the game is by no means a first-person shooter. It employs RPG mechanics. In MMOs, combat has developed a life of its own that only vaguely resembles reality. This is not the case for Stargate. Players must operate as a team, find cover and chose their spots. Their AI enemies will.

"The last thing we want to see in our world is a bunny-hopping Jaffa," Lead Designer Dan Elggren.

The initial release of Stargate Worlds concentrates primarily on the recently cancelled Stargate SG-1 television series. The show ran for a decade, and has become a favorite in sci-fi circles. Stargate: Atlantis, according to Cheyenne Mountain, is likely to be included in an expansion pack.

While tactical combat is the signature of this game, the team also promises to go the extra mile to capture some other elements of the TV series. For example, puzzles will be a large part of the gameplay experience, something not often done in mainstream MMORPGs. The team also hopes to include combat-alternatives, such as diplomacy. The TV series was never just about gun fights, and Stargate Worlds reflects that.

Players advance in SGW through a range of archetypes closely identifiable with characters from the original series. For example, the Archeologist would be similar to Daniel Jackson from SG-1.

Stargate Worlds remains in early development. No projected launch information is available at this time.

By : WarCry Network

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2008. április 23., szerda

Lineage II: Choose Your Destiny This Summer


In commemoration of the Hellbound update, eligible players will have the opportunity to swap their main class with one of their subclasses. Change your main class to one of your subclasses and enjoy playing Lineage II with a character that you love even more!

Participation & Duration Information

Those who wish to participate in the event can do so by submitting a request through the homepage. The requests made before each weekly scheduled maintenance will take effect at the following weekly scheduled maintenance.

Eligibility & Requirements

  • Each character can swap his or her main class only once; however, the request can be canceled before it goes into effect, and resubmitted again.
  • If you first request an account service (character gender change, character name change, or server transfer), you cannot request the main class change. Please resubmit your request on the following week after the account service goes into effect.
  • Once you change a character's class, the change is final and cannot be reversed. Please submit your request carefully.

Eligible Character Levels

In order to participate in this event, your desired character's main class must be between levels 75 and 80, and the subclass level must be 75 or above.
Cross-Race Limitations

  • Characters whose main class is a Warsmith, Maestro, Overlord, or Dominator are not eligible for this event.
  • If you have both Elf and Dark Elf classes as your subclasses, you cannot request one of them to be your main class since both of them can't have the opposing race's class as a subclass.

Kamael Class Limitations

The Kamael race's Inspector and Judicator are subclass-only by design, so they cannot be changed into a main class. The Kamael have unique occupations that are directly tied to the character's gender, so when you change a Kamael character's class, the gender also changes automatically. For example: If your Kamael character is female and you choose to change your main class to a Berserker, your character's gender will change to male.

Hero Status Restrictions

A Hero character can submit the class-change request only after the Hero period has ended.

Inventory Restrictions

At the time of the class change implementation, if your character is carrying more than 80 items in its inventory, the change will fail. Please check your inventory before the regularly scheduled maintenance to ensure that your character is carrying no more than 80 items.

Other Limitations

  • A character on the Public Test Server cannot participate in this event.
  • You cannot participate in this event if your account or character has been banned.
  • After you submit the class-change request, if your account is banned, the change will not take effect.


Q: What's the purpose for having a main class/subclass change event?

A: The Hellbound update introduced a subclass level cap of 80, and a main class level cap of 85. This led to great disappointment among those players who had a greater attachment to their subclass and focused their efforts on developing that subclass. That's why we prepared this main class/subclass change event.

Q: What happens to a character's race/face/gender when the main class and the subclass are changed?

A: When the main and subclass are changed, the character's appearance follows the appearance of the main class. The gender remains the same. (All head styles are type A.) For example, for a female Elf character whose main class is Elder and subclass is Hawkeye, if you request the Hawkeye to become your main class, the main class changes into Hawkeye, the subclass changes into Elder, and the character's appearance changes into a human female character. This works a little differently for the Kamael since their classes are gender-specific. For Kamael, at the time of main/subclass change, the gender also changes into that of the main class.

Q: After changing my main class/subclass, can I revert back to my original state?

A: This offer is limited to one time only per character and you will not be able to revert back to your original state. Please remember this and make your decision very carefully. (You can cancel the request before it goes into effect.)

Q: After changing my main class/subclass, what happens to the subclass certified skills and certificates that I acquired?

A: When you change your main class/subclass, all previously acquired subclass certified skills are reset, and previously acquired certificates are removed. In addition, subclass certificates that were acquired during the certificate exchange event are also removed. You must reacquire the subclass certificates again after the main class/subclass change.

Q: Can I change my second and third sub-class into the main class as well?

A: A request is possible if the main class is between levels 75-80 and the subclass is above level 75, be it the first, second, or third subclass. In this case, the main class changes into the requested second or third sub-class.

Q: Can I participate in the event if my main class is a Warsmith, Maestro, Overlord, or Dominator?

A: Warsmith, Maestro, Overlord, and Dominator are, by design, classes that cannot be subclasses. As such, they cannot be changed into a subclass. If your character's main class is any of these classes, the request cannot be made.

Q: Can the Kamael's hidden subclasses Inspector and Judicator be changed into a character's main class?

A: Inspector and Judicator are designed to be subclasses only, so they cannot be changed into a character's main class.

Q: My main class is Human, my first subclass is Elven, and my second subclass is Dark Elven. In this case, is a request permitted?

A: Within the game, an Elf cannot have a Dark Elf subclass, and a Dark Elf cannot have an Elf subclass. If you have two or more subclasses, and if the one you wish to change into the main class is an Elf or a Dark Elf, the request cannot be made when an opposite race exists in the subclass. In the above example, if a third subclass is a Bounty Hunter, you can request it to become the main class. If one of the opposing race subclasses is deleted, it is possible to choose the remaining subclass as your main class.

Q: What happens to my Olympiad points?

A: Since your main class is changed, your Olympiad points are also reset. Please use up your Olympiad points before submitting the request.

Q: I submitted my request properly but the change hasn't occurred. What could be the reason?

A: If the request was submitted properly but the change didn't take place, this means that the requirements were met at the time of the request but not at the time of effect. Please see the following conditions, double check your character's condition, and submit your request again.

  • The main class and subclass must be between levels 75-80, and you must not be in hero or hero waiting status.
  • The character must have 80 or less items in the inventory. If you can hold more than 80 items, you must make sure that you have no more than 80 items in your inventory at the time of the class-change request.
  • The accounts must not be banned.

Q: Before making the request, I made an account service request. Can I still participate in the event?

A: During a regularly scheduled maintenance, the account service and this main class/subclass change event effect occurs at the same time, so if both requests were permitted, the main class/subclass change would not properly take effect. An account that is already scheduled for an account service cannot submit a class-change event request until the corresponding week. Please keep this in mind, and after the account service takes effect, you may participate in event the following week.

Q: I am working on the quest "Repent Your Sins." Can I continue the quest after changing my main class/subclass?

A: The "Repent Your Sins" quest does not apply to both the main class and subclasses. If you change your main class/subclass, all the items related to the "Repent Your Sins" quest are removed, and you must start the quest over.

Event Schedule

The Choose Your Destiny event will be coming in summer 2008. We will announce more details, including exact dates and times, at a later time.

Sounds like a great opportunity!

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2008. április 22., kedd

LOTRO : Book 13 Preview

For players used to the more lush, wooded environments of Lord of the Rings Online, Book 13 may provide a rude awakening. The new zone, Forochel, lies further north than any of the previously accessible regions of Middle Earth, and it's every bit as hostile as you'd expect. Aaron Campbell, Live Producer for LotRO, was kind enough to guide me through the zone and showcase some of the highlights of Book 13 along the way. He explained that the harsh climate there wasn't just a product of its latitude. "[Forochel] is the remnants of the Great Cold that came out of Angmar and settled over the North, so there's a certain edge of corruption to it. It's not only cold, but an unnatural, supernatural cold."

Our tour of the icy wastes of Forochel began along the coast of the frigid Ice Bay. Not the best place for a dip, but the perfect opportunity for Campbell to point out the new environmental damage type that players will contend with as they travel throughout the zone. The cold not only lowers your morale, but places an additional debuff on you that grows more severe over time. This debuff makes it more difficult for you to resist future sources of cold damage, which many of the monsters around Forochel dish out. Fortunately, removing the debuff is as simple as finding a heat source, from a campfire to a nearby steam vent.

We traveled along the coastline until we reached a small fishing outpost controlled by a group of Gauredain. These lanky fellows weren't particularly keen on sharing their real estate with us, but after a few minutes of steel persuasion (aided by our crazy admin powers) we triumphantly reclaimed the hastily constructed hide canopies and bonfires for ourselves. But it was no use: before we could set up our hammocks and crack open a few brews, a group of nomadic Lossoth moved in and put us to work. The Lossoth are a hardy tribe of humans scattered across Forochel that aren't particularly friendly toward you when you first enter the zone. As you liberate their camps from hostile forces and complete quests for them, they gradually begin to realize that you're not there to kill them and entrust you with rare crafting recipes. My character, a Dwarf Guardian, was decked out in crafted Lossoth gear, a stylish Inuit-chic ensemble that grants some extra resistance to the cold.

One Lossoth fisherman politely requested that I do his work for him, and before I knew it I had my first fishing quest. Small problem: my inventory was so bloated with gear that a mere minnow could cause my pack to burst. Solution? Trash some rare and incomparable loot! Likely not a situation that players will encounter, but when you're already invincible, purples and blues lose some of their luster. With some extra space available, I moseyed over to the shoreline and made my first cast. The mechanics of fishing are simple: click the ability once to send out your line, wait for a nibble, then click the ability again to reel in your catch. My first victim was a rare giant goldfish, a modest haul but still rather satisfying for this novice angler.

Campbell took this fishing quest as an opportunity to point out some improvements to the quest interface. In Book 13, the quest log will feature easy-to-read visuals that indicate the status of your fellowship members on your current quests. Beyond that, it will be possible for players to look for a fellowship for a specific quest through the quest log itself which should make it even easier to find a group while questing.

With my fishing itch sufficiently scratched (it doesn't take much), Campbell took me to the Lossoth capital, a giant hide dome peppered with bonfires and vendors. Outside the front entrance were four banners corresponding to the four Lossoth outposts in Forochel that are constantly assailed by the expansionist Gauredain; each banner shows whether the corresponding camp is occupied by the Gauredain or the Lossoth. Inside, players who have achieved a certain level of standing with the Lossoth will be able to purchase items and recipes to make their stay in Forochel a little more comfortable.

Campbell elaborated a bit on the challenges of building the Lossoth culture essentially from scratch: The LotRO dev team had little more than a paragraph in the appendix of the Lord of the Rings to work from. So how did they arrive at the appearance and attitude that made it into Book 13? Alex Toplansky, one of the content developers, explains: "Tolkien was really first and foremost a linguist, and he was almost a cultural anthropologist; he had a lot of awareness of a lot of the different European cultures and things going on in that part of the world.

"Without going too far into some of the little trips that we put in with them, there was definitely a little bit of influence from the Sami culture, which appears all throughout the northern Scandinavian band. They're a really interesting people with a lot of attempts to hold onto their heritage very much like a lot of Alaskan and Inuit peoples. We really got kind of carried away and swept into how they went about things. And we learned some really cool stuff that I think comes out in a lot of our content."

The Lossoth aren't without their humor, however. Outside the capital, we encountered a clumsy chap who appeared to be attempting to ice skate for the first time. I asked Campbell if players would every get the chance to skate in Middle Earth. "That's one hurdle we have not been able to climb yet. For the moment, ice skates and sleds are purely the domain of the Lossoth." In other words, it could be a while before you get to body check a Hobbit in a game of Middle Earth hockey. Someday...

We continued along a barren ice sheet populated by the local fauna: a domesticated mammoth, sabertooth cats, and even a few moose. The team argued about the last creature, and after a minute or two of fierce debate, determined that moose are actually members of the elk family. "Welcome to our world," one of the developers interjected with an audible eye-roll.

Moments later, I was told to look up and gaze at Forochel's version of aurora borealis. It was a surprisingly striking, soft purple glow that ebbed and flowed across the horizon. It's certainly far more dramatic than the Northern Lights that I've seen back home in Minnesota, but then again I was less drunk this time around so it's hard to make a direct comparison.

The ice sheet spilled into a sparse, taiga-like forest. Campbell explained part of their world-building philosophy for the zone: "We really didn't make excessive use of trees in Forochel. Instead a lot more of it is about ice, about vertical division of landscape, rocks, vistas and viewpoints, a lot more about the decorations items such as mammoths skulls that you'll find across the landscape, and then a few ruins out there as well, in keeping with the sort of ancient nature of the area." Before long we were back onto another ice sheet, this time with substantially more aggressive enemies.

A few wandering ice giants greeted us, and if we weren't all invulnerable they would have certainly brought the pain. Campbell demonstrated an effective tactic for less omnipotent characters to employ: pull the giants to a nearby steam vent and they become much more manageable. Why an ice creature vulnerable to any heat source would make its home near a steam vent is anyone's guess, but Campbell speculates, "Well, you know, they like their sauna." A few paces away, a new monster type floated docilely until I got close enough to aggro it: the Grim, a swirling ice spirit.

From there, Campbell teleported the group to a cavernous ice cave that will greet players as they enter the zone for the first time. This biome is sort of a proof of concept for the LotRO dev team going into the upcoming expansion. It was created using a new process that Campbell called "dual-height map technology," basically a streamlined method for creating large underground spaces. We journeyed through the tunnel, inhabited by a few solitary Grim, before reaching a small Lossoth staging area on the other side. It's a typical woodland biome, covered with a light layer of snow. But the rest of Forochel will expand on the idea of "unnatural, bitter cold," as Campbell puts it.

Speaking of the cold, Campbell gave me a brief demonstration of the new blizzard effects that the developers have added in Book 13. At first, the snowfall seemed rather unremarkable. But as the storm intensified, a more disorienting whiteout effect enveloped my character, making it difficult to even discern the outlines of nearby NPCs. This effect isn't unique to Forochel, either; existing zones like the Misty Mountains will also make use of this mechanic after Book 13 goes live.

Campbell and company then led me into a crystalline ice cavern where the epic questline will culminate. I was cautioned not to reveal too much to players, as there are a few big surprises for those who have been captivated by the story so far. Thankfully, I didn't have a clue what was going on! We followed a sinister bloke through a series of scripted encounters that ended in an open-air chamber with a polished-ice floor. Then things got serious. If we weren't all invulnerable, this is where I would have wiped the group numerous times while running around in circles and marveling at the gorgeous starry sky above us. "We like to pull out the extra stops for the epic quests," Campbell boasted.

Thoroughly exhausted from attempting to pretend like I knew what I was doing, Campbell took pity on me and teleported me to his apartment, where he showed me some of the new items available for display in player housing. Campbell's personal favorite? The Frost Antler head. "Because who can go without a good elk head on the wall?" Campbell added, "I would have said 'moose head,' but I've been corrected."

No system exists in a vacuum in LotRO, and the same is true for fishing. The developers are clearly taking a holistic approach to new game mechanics, making sure to weave them into other aspects of the game as they are introduced. "[We] try to extend out some of these systems, as we add in new content to the game, making sure we give that love back to housing, back to other systems in the game such as crafting and cooking," Campbell noted.

We closed the session by taking a look at the Orc Defiler, the new monster-play class that Book 13 will introduce. The Defiler has a lanky, hobbled appearance that is both sinister and a little pathetic. Their main skills are healing and reviving teammates and casting powerful curses on enemy combatants; they have a couple direct-damage attacks but the class was built from the ground up as a primary healer, a role that monster players have clamored for.

The Defiler sports a fetching skull helm with its own upgrade path: You start out wearing a deer skull, then move up to a bear skull, an auroch skull, and finally a drake skull. It's both a cool incentive for monster players wishing to gear out their characters and an indicator of your level of experience to foes. Every member of our party wore a different helm, and while we weren't likely to take anyone down with a group full of primary healers, at least we were guaranteed to stay topped-off during our brief foray into the Ettenmoors.

Source : WarCry Network

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NASA Wants its MMORPG Created for Free

"It seems that the educational MMORPG NASA's proposing will no longer have a budget of $3 million. Instead, any prospective development partner is being asked to create and maintain the MMORPG for free under a 'non-reimbursable Space Act Agreement'. It won't be a one-sided agreement, though. From NASA's RFP: 'In exchange for a collaborator's investment to create and manage a NASA-based MMO game for fun and to enhance STEM [science, technology, engineering and mathematics], NASA will consider negotiating brand placement, limited exclusivity and other opportunities.'"

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TCoS : New MMO malaise

I wish I could get really excited about one of the new MMO's coming out.

Warhammer seems to be the biggest hype machine right now, but for all the neat-sounding gameplay offerings, I just don't like the visual feel. It seems kind of lifeless to me, a bit like Everquest 2. Like the buildings are made of cardboard, and the players are painted wooden mannequins. Reminds me a bit of Everquest 2. WO's gameplay may turn out fantastic, but I just don't know that it's a world where I'd actually enjoy spending time.

Conan looks much nicer to me, but I'm kind of iffy about the whole barbaric blood-and-guts vibe. The Conan universe is never something that I've felt drawn to in book or movie form, and my impression of the game isn't feeling that different so far.

Like Conan, The Chronicles of Spellborn has some really beautiful imagery; that looks like a world I think I'd like to spend some time in! Unfortunately I don't have much faith that it's going to be a solid product. For example, their website doesn't clearly explain how TCoS will differentiate itself in a way to make me want to spend dozens or hundreds of hours with it. Instead they spend time explaining to me that resistance rank zero to rank +5 is an exponential curve divided in 64 points, which may be a perfectly good design decision , but is just a tad more detailed than I'm really looking for. And if they can't don't even have a sense for what I, as a consumer, want to see from their website, I'm not too optimistic they're going to have a good sense for what I want to see from their world.

So I'm waiting to see what 38 Studios and BioWare have up their sleeves, and keeping my fingers crossed.

Source : KillTenRats.com

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2008. április 21., hétfő

City of Heroes: “Issue 12″ Briefing Video

CITY OF HEROES: View the new CITY OF HEROES: Issue 12 video which shows and tells all a hero needs to know about Villain Archetypes. Are you listening heroic one? I SAID…"Are you listening?!!"

"Infiltrate the Arachnos organization from within! Upon reaching level 50, Villains unlock two new Epic Archetypes; Wolf Spiders and Blood Widows. They have their own unique storyline and missions, power combinations and costume sets. Branching powersets allow the Wolf Spider to specialize as either a Bane Spider or Crab Spider and the Blood Widow chooses from the Fortunata and Night Widow branches. Each brings with it unique costumes for your Arachnos duties, as well as your newfound role as a Destined One."

Source : GameBunny

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WoW Journal - 21-April-2008

I haven't played all that much World of Warcraft this weekend, I'm feeling a bit burned out for the moment. Having problems finding groups for 5-man dungeons, the only thing I did with my level 70 characters was doing a couple of daily quests for the Shattered Sun Offensive with my mage. I reached honored with them, and bought the two enchanting recipes you get from them at that level, one of which is Void Shatter, which transforms one cheap void crystal into two expensive large prismatic shards. But although I could learn that recipe at my 360 skill, when I tried to use it I couldn't. The recipe requires a runed eternium rod, which can only be made at 375 skill. Why on earth does the game have lower skill recipes requiring something you can only achieve with a higher skill?

Fortunately the other recipe was more useful, as it was orange at my skill level, and required "only" about 40 gold worth of materials. So I used that 15 times at a cost of 600 gold in materials (most of which I had in stock) to get to 375 skill in enchanting. And that on the same day where by making my second shadowweave item I also reached 375 tailoring with my mage. Great! Of course then I spend another fortune to make that runed eternium rod, which uses 4 primal mights among other expensive ingredients. All that financial effort certainly wasn't worth it for the Void Shatter, but that wasn't why I did it. Rather I thought that having your tradeskills maxed will be important for the Wrath of the Lich King expansion, as you probably can't get the new recipes without having reached the old skill cap.

I spent more time on my other server playing Alliance, but even there my new gnome rogue only made it to level 16 yet. But an extremely well equipped level 16, having run the Deadmines several times with the help of my wife's level 68 rogue. In return I used my level 60 priest, who I moved to that server, to run her level 18 shaman through the Deadmines too. Can you believe that after over 3 years of WoW that was only the second time she saw a dungeon? But as there are quite some nice pieces of leather armor and weapons for rogue and shamans in that dungeon, it was well worth it, and fun. As the wife and me have radically different play styles, we don't play together all that often.

So I'm still doing quests until level 20 in the Draenei starting area. Only that every two levels I have to hearthstone to Shattrath, and teleport to another Alliance city to train my rogue. Exodar, the Draenei city, doesn't have a rogue trainer. And the rogue class quests (I just learned lockpicking) are also in the old cities. I'm keeping my World of Warcraft playing at low activity for the moment, I just don't feel like playing more. But I don't want to play other "old" MMORPGs either. I signed up for the Fileplanet Age of Conan open beta, and pre-ordered that game, just to give it a chance. I don't really have high hopes that this is the game for me, but at least it is new, and I can't judge a game without having played it. I'm a bit nervous about how their release will be, because Age of Conan is made by Funcom, whose previous MMORPG Anarchy Online still holds the record for the worst MMORPG release ever, and I was right in the middle of that one. Here's hoping they learned from their mistakes.

By : Tobold

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2008. április 20., vasárnap

The Wisdom of MMO Banking

Does it seem strange to save up to buy a house in a game? We are in an era where the real world economies of some nations are paralyzed by debts incurred from home purchases. Yet in games where there is player housing there is a surprising lack of player debt. MMOGs offer a simplified financial system seemingly impervious to the ills of modern society. What could we as a gaming society learn about real-world finance and money management from the way we act in game?

I game lending is, at least theoretically, possible between players. Years ago, while playing Ultima Online: Renaissance, I had what might be the closest thing to a mortgage in a MMOG. Due to the restriction of having only one house per account per server (similar to the way Lord of the Rings Online does it), a friend who was trying to be an in-game real estate broker asked me to hold a small villa in Felucia on my account while he found a buyer. I agreed, but also asked how much he wanted for it (200K gp, in case you're curious – and want a good laugh). At the time, I did not have enough money but I offered to put a down-payment of 50K gp on it and let him know when the rest was available. He agreed. It was probably the cheapest way to get a house at the time short of actually buying the building permit from the housing broker and trying to find an empty plot to put it on – which was a losing proposition anyway.

All MMOGs have some sort of cash storage system. In LotRO and Final Fantasy XI, all money is carried on the character allowing for it to be used at any time for purchases throughout the world. In World of Warcraft, gold is primarily stored on the toon, but may also be put into a guild bank deposit for use by multiple players. Think of this as a joint savings account. In games like Ultima Online and Runescape, gold may be stored in the bank, like a savings account, or on the character. Only what is in the character's coin purse may be used, thus making it more difficult to spend large amounts all at once. And though UO offers a check writing function, in order to carry larger denominations of gold without having to use up your storage weight with coins, it is not a checking account system. If games are meant to be fantastic, idealized worlds, does that mean finance has no place in our dreams?

By using a savings-only banking system, MMOGs force players to evaluate their purchases carefully and make choices between otherwise similarly-valued goods. In order to purchase more costly items, the player must plan and save for it. For those games where gold may be stored in the player's bank account, they must then make the run back to a bank, get the funds, and then proceed to wherever the item may be purchased. It takes time: time to grind, loot, craft, farm, or otherwise earn the gold required – time during which they are thinking about whether it is worth all of this to have whatever it is they're after. Some players are even willing to put in this time in order to buy virtual items repeatedly on different characters. How many of your level 70s in WoW have epic flying mounts?

But when it comes to the real world, instant gratification must be obeyed. Instead of saving up for the car of your dreams, it could be financed through the seller or dealership in order to obtain it sooner. Rather than paying cash for a house, most borrowers (at least in the United States) get a mortgage for the majority of the cost. This is a feature strikingly lacking in MMOGs. And when you think of the fact that these are fantasy worlds, it makes you wonder whether the devs are trying to hearken back to a less intricate time financially.

Yet while it's plausible that players could lend one another money, there is precious little of this type of transaction. I also have yet to find a game that offers loans. The games themselves do not offer them and they certainly don't promote that players do so. And yet no one is phased by this.

So why is it that we're willing to save in a game but not in real life? Well, the short answer is self selection bias. We choose to be in the game and do whatever it is we do. It is not a societal requirement in the game that we craft or quest (though it helps if you want to experience content). It is our choice how we spend our time and in-game money. Therefore we are more interested in doing it. The lack of opportunity to buy on credit helps us escape the real world just that little bit more. We enter a place not set up around money itself but rather on the goods and services that money helps us trade.

There's a sense of glee when you save enough to buy your first epic mount or a nice little player house to proudly display the loot you've collected in your exploits. You've worked hard for all that. Scrimped and saved your gold, credits, gil, and so forth. In this way, can games teach financial responsibility by providing elation after accomplishing financial goals?

By : Alexis Kassan

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Mythos Hands On

Computer & Video Games editors had a chance at a hands on look at Mythos, the upcoming free-to-play MMO from Flagship Studios. The article has brief descriptions of the three included character classes and spends quite a bit of time comparing Mythos to the Diablo series. After all, editors opine, Mythos is the brainchild of Flagship, whose founders were those who created the Diablo franchise.

At this stage, there are no details on what exactly will cost money, but there's little to suggest cash investments will be vital.But aside from being free, Mythos is simply one of the most addictive MMOs I've played.

While it lacks the depth and narrative of its peers, it makes up for it by having such tight and moreish gameplay. Skills need tweaking, but the beta should fix all that.

Even this early stage, Mythos has more spit, polish and gameplay to it than any other free-to-play MMO out there. It's exciting, addictive and pleasing to the eye, and there's little to dissuade you from giving it a try. Look out for the open beta this spring.

At this point, it appears that the game is a worthy successor to Diablo II. It will remain to be seen if the high expectations live up to the hype.

Source : WarCry

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Champions Online: Breaking the Wall

This is the first of a two-part series about the field of game design. This first article talks about how to break the wall and get into game design. The second part will detail a bit about how design works from the inside.

At one point or another, most people who play games have probably at least entertained the thought of getting into game design professionally. Game design isn't like law or medicine though - there's no bar or exam to pass, so how exactly does one break into the field?

The most important thing to realize about breaking into game design is that it is very much subject to the laws of supply and demand. There are very few game design jobs of any sort available, and there are a whole lot of people who want to be designers. And many of the people applying for the few open game design positions are not strangers to the industry, either. In addition to people in areas like QA or CSR, it is not uncommon to see programmers or artists want to switch fields.

Different developers will have different biases and be looking for different things, but there are ways you can better position yourself to dramatically improve your chances of breaking in to the industry.

First, while it is not impossible to come in off the street and get a game design position, it is very, very unlikely. Internships are available from some places as well, and if you can find one can be a highly effective shortcut.

While "game designer" is not generally an entry-level position, what you can do is get a job that is an entry-level position, but that is a recognized feeder into game design. If you are already a programmer or an artist, both of these are in parallel areas of game development that work very closely with design, and as such are superb ways of cracking the wall.

What if you don't know code and your idea of art is drawing stick figures? You're not out of luck, but the path is a little longer. Publishers will almost always have large QA (Quality Assurance) and CSR (Customer Service) departments, and developers will usually have at least the first, and occasionally the second. QA departments at developers tend to be smaller and have better access to the developer, so they are generally a better route into game design. But because there are generally fewer available positions, competition can also be fiercer.

If you wind up with a job in QA or CSR at a publisher, never fear. Publishers also frequently run their own first-party development studios which occasionally have openings, and it is perfectly possible to move from a publisher position to a similar position at an outside developer.

Secondly, because there are so many applicants for so few positions, it can help to have ways to distinguish yourself. For this, I can tell you a secret:

Creativity is good, but it isn't primarily about the creativity.

What? Heresy! No, truth. Everyone - designer, programmer, artist, QA, CSR, marketing or executive - is convinced their ideas are the best, the most creative, the most interesting and the most innovative. A designer certainly should be creative, and being creative will definitely get you noticed, but it's generally not what will close the sale.

What will close the sale is the ability to demonstrate professionalism, practicality, understanding of the way development works and the relative costs and risks of different paths. Most importantly of all, however, is the clear ability to check your ego at the door and identify the best approach or design regardless of whether or not you were the one to think of it.

Game design is still a job, and it's amazing how frequently people forget this. All of the factors that apply to any other job - professionalism, courtesy, responsibility, confidence and diplomacy - all apply equally well in this field. Although game development is generally more informal than many other fields, it is still a business, and it is important to remember this.

Finally, being a game designer is not the same thing as being a game player. This sounds obvious, but in interview wrap-ups it is one of the points that comes up again and again. Obviously, you need to be able to enjoy playing games and to identify what aspects of gameplay are fun - this goes without saying. What you also have to do, however, is to separate the "game player" hat from the "game designer" hat, and start asking a whole new set of questions.

What is fun? Why is it fun? What alternative approaches could be envisioned? What are the risks and consequences to other systems for each alternative approach? What principles of the game must be adhered to in order to maintain the vision of the game or company? What resource restrictions are there - it might be great to have another year to polish something, but what do you do if you don't have an extra year to polish?

Above all, it can take a lot of persistence and a lot of patience to break the wall and get your foot into the world of game development. But if you do, the rewards are unmatched.

By : champions-online.com

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2008. április 18., péntek

Vanguard: Sneak Peek at Update 5

Hey all! You should expect to see Game Update 5 on the Test sever after the weekend! Below is an outline of the main features included in the final update - please note though that they are not all fully implemented yet. As you play through the content on the test server, please keep an eye open for any bugs and be sure to submit a "/bug" for any you find - particularly in regards to particles not displaying correctly. Thanks, and enjoy!

Game Update #5

1. Racial Mounts
2. Class Updates
3. Anti-Hitching
4. New Particles

We have added a unique racial mount for each race in Vanguard! The mounts can be attained through a series of faction based quests that can be started in each race's home town. If you happen to like another race's mount better than your own though, worry not! With the appropriate faction, players will be able to complete any of the quests.

Can't wait until the weekend's over to get a peek at the new racial mounts? Select fansites have additional exclusive shots of these awesome mounts! Be sure to be on the lookout if you want to catch an early glimpse!

Citizen Favor
The citizens of Telon are seeking adventurers to help spread their influence across the land. By seeking out a faction registrar you can don the banner of a city, gaining favor with its citizens while you battle their enemies. Each creature that is slain will offer a chance to receive tokens bearing the symbol of their registered city. These tokens can be returned to the city in exchange for citizen faction. Be warned that while many factions are friendly with each other, all factions have those that oppose them. Raising your faction with one city may reduce your faction with another. While you can switch factions at any time, those who are worried about becoming outlaws in certain cities should heed this warning.

Gaining faction will allow you to purchase factional rewards with the use of platinum tokens. These tokens can only be retrieved from the vilest of beings and only when you are wearing the banner of your chosen city. Those powerful enough to defeat raid NPCs will receive ancient coins which can be converted into a platinum token of any type you desire.

Racial Mounts
With the release of the citizen favor system comes the first factional rewards -- racial land mounts! All races have been granted a unique looking mount with improved speed over other mounts in their tier. These mounts can be attained at levels 30 and 50 after you have gained the required faction and number of platinum coins. Players will be able to get any of these mounts as long as they do the work involved for their attached cities.

This update we have given significant attention to three more classes. Blood Mages, Psionicists and Sorcerers have all received a lot of developer attention. Abilities that may have been broken before have been fixed, spells have been tweaked and upgraded or updated and all three classes should be more in line with their intended vision in terms of power and utility. Specific tweaks and updates will be listed in the patch notes.

As always, increasing performance remains a high priority for our development team. To that end, with this update we will be introducing new anti-hitching code that should have an immediate and noticeable effect.

Sometimes, things just need to look cooler. That was the case for many adventuring class spells and/or abilities. Blood Mages, Disciples, Dread Knights, Druids, Necromancers and Sorcerers all received new an improved particle effects.

Source : WarCry Network

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Lord of the Rings Online : Orc Defiler

Lighting flashed across the sky, briefly casting the forest in a sickly green glow. The wood was quiet, as the battle that had been waged beneath its boughs moved on to another venue. The only sound, other than the steady hum of insects, was of a small fire in a desolate hollow. The green flames of the small campfire crackled and hissed against the jagged stones, their smoky tendrils licking greedily at the pot of bubbling yellow putrescence perched above.

The sound of the fire was punctuated by the gasping moans from a misshapen figure lying amongst the bones littering the ground; the stench of festering wounds signaling the life quickly sliding away from the twisted form.

From a dark corner of the hollow a Defiler emerged; light leather straps crossed his body and a massive bear skull sat upon his brow. His flesh was black as night and covered in red runes and scars carved from the long years of service to Angmar. In one hand he clutched a massive wooden staff, adorned with bits of bone hanging from stretched sinew, while the other toted a gourd filled with a foul-smelling concoction. Uttering a guttural word in the Black Tongue, he stepped toward the fire, sending grey filth into the air.

Leaning his staff against the curve of the hollow, the Defiler made his way to the shattered orc form amidst the bones. The fallen beast howled in rage and pain as his chest wound was pulled open by an uncaring hand. With the full breadth of the putrefying wound exposed, the Defiler worked quickly, pouring the contents of his gourd into the wound while uttering the dark phrases taught him by his master and the masters of his past. The fallen orc ceased to howl, and fell into a fitful sleep as vile liquid spilled from the wound, bubbling and sizzling as it knitted him back together.

As he moved toward the fire, the Defiler reached into the cauldron and filled his gourd with the thick grey-green slime and returned to the sleeping form of the orc, where he applied a dollop of the filth to each of the pustules on the orc's legs. Wound by wound, the disease retreated from the slime. It would be hours before the orc was mended whole once more, but the Defiler, done with his work, called out into the night.

Two Uruks, clad in black iron bearing the symbol of the Krahjarn tribe, appeared from the gloom and hoisted the wounded orc from the dirt floor. As they removed their fallen servant into the night, another of Mordírith's soldiers was deposited unceremoniously into the cave. With a dismissive wave to the troll delivering the new wounded, the Defiler retreated to the darkness of the hollow to scrape fungus from the walls and return to his night's work.

A Message from Akulhún:

"All right, maggots! Mordírith's grown tired of you whining wretches and sent us Defilers from the sulfur swamps and wastes of Angmar to plug your bleedin' wounds and make those lily-loving Free People suffer! All your belly-achin' and screamin' finally yielded somethin' other than my whip! Well, maggots, that make me angrier than ever -- I'll not spare the lash from any of you spineless curs for any longer!

"We're at war here in the Ettenmoors and that means you fight and die for Angmar. You only see fit to whimper and drag your feet, tuck your tails, shoulder your weapons, and flee when War Leaders tell you to fight on... but no longer, sluggards! I'll not bear another visit from Lugbûrz. That happens and I start crackin' 'eads! Now... treat the Defilers with a fair bit o' respect. Give them defense when they need it and slaughter the Free People! The Defilers will be by your side makin' the Free People weak of resolve, weak of strength, and weak of faith. When you bleed, they'll see your wounds closed...if...you decide to whine and cower they'll let me know and then you'll feel the sting of my whip on your back shortly before they turn their talents to bringing about the greatest pain you have ever known...maggots!"

A New Addition to Monster Play

Monster play, where LOTRO players can don the wolf's clothing amongst the sheep by becoming an orc, Uruk, spider or Warg, is adding a new face to the fray. Players have long enjoyed the utility of their numerous classes and multitude of skills, and with the addition of the new orc Defiler; we are taking a step toward filling out the arsenal available to monster players. Hailing from lands filled with toxins and disease, the orc Defiler uses his knowledge of these virulent fungi and slime to aid his foes and hamper his enemies. The Defiler is the first addition to the monster side of the equation in the Ettenmoors since launch -- and is certain to alter the PvMP landscape as we continue to expand the War in the Ettenmoors.


Defilers utilize the fungus and slimes found within the sulfur swamps and dark places throughout Angmar to concoct pastes, dusts, and other disgusting rubs to apply to their allies' wounds. Through years of practice and learning, the Defiler has turned this practice into an art.

The Defiler begins with the ability to perform two initial heals, with the additional effect of healing over time (HoT).

Fertile Slime: "Living slime coats the target's wounds and restores morale." This is a low-power instant-cast HoT with a range of thirty meters and a six-second cooldown that lightly heals the recipient every ten seconds for a period of sixty seconds. It is meant as a bridging heal, to assist the Defiler or a War Leader in keeping a target alive during a light exchange.

Fungal Bloom: "Gourds filled with foul herbs and liquids from the depths of Angmar relieve the sting of wounds on the flesh of foul creatures." This is a low-cost two second cast HoT with a range of thirty meters and a four-second cooldown. It moderately heals the target upon a successful cast, and then restores a moderate amount of health every five seconds for the next thirty seconds.

In addition to these initial healing skills, the early expenditure of a Defiler's destiny points can net him a targeted revival for defeated comrades. Unlike the War Leader this is a costly skill, utilizing morale and power, that only works out-of-combat and targets one monster player.

Rounding out the remaining healing skills for the orc Defiler are the following:

Fell Restoration: "When finished casting Fell Restoration instantly restores a huge amount of morale to target." This is a low-cost three second cast heal with a long ten-second cooldown healing a great deal of health instantly. This becomes available at Rank Three.

Fungal Spores: "Spores weave their way into the target's wounds, stopping bleeding and helping to speed the healing process." This is a medium power cost instant-cast HoT restoring a great deal of health every six seconds for thirty seconds. The cooldown for the skill is low, and it is available at Rank Five.


When looking at the monster player classes, we noticed that the majority of the classes had very little in the way of true debuffs with which to hamper the players. To that end, we decided that the Defiler would serve his second role as a debuffer. Utilizing gourds filled with virulent disease and pestilent oozes and slimes the Defiler is able to curse all who oppose him and assist in turning the battle to the monster player's favor.

The Defiler begins with one curse ability:

Curse of the Sticky Feet: "Coats the opponent's feet in a sticky substance that slows their movement speed." This is a low power-cost ability that reduces a target's movement by ten percent for ten seconds. This is an instant cast skill with a moderate cooldown.

As they progress, Defiler's earn new curses to use against the Free People. We outline these below:

Curse of the Lethargic Heart: "A gourd thrown at the target plagues them with spores attacking their heart and weakening their resolve. This skill is only effective against players." This is a medium power cost disease-based curse reducing the target's vitality by a crippling amount for two minutes. It has a two second cast and a long thirty second cooldown and is available at Rank One.

Curse of the Coward's Soul: "Release hallucinogenic spores that strike fear into nearby enemies." This is a medium power cost fear-based curse affecting up to three targets in a six meter radius surrounding the Defiler. This skill is affected by diminishing returns and applies the fear effect to each target for ten seconds. This is an instant-cast skill with a thirty-second cooldown available at Rank Two.

Curse of the Deadly Sorrows: "Douse opponent with corrosive liquid that weakens their armour and releases a soporific gas that reduces Will, Fate and Strength." This is a medium-cost poison-based curse reducing the target's fate, will, strength, and armor by a crippling amount. It has a three-second casting time and a thirty-second cooldown and is available at Rank Seven.

Basic Skills

No monster player is complete without the ability to deal some level of damage to their opponents, and the Defiler is no different in this regard. The Defiler begins with one basic damage-dealing skill at the outset and can purchase two others at no rank.

Here are the Defiler's basic skills:

Fire Gourd: "A gourd filled with burning embers is launched at your opponent, setting them alight." This is a medium-cost skill dealing a good deal of initial damage and burning the target for a fair bit of damage every four seconds for the next twenty seconds. It has a range of thirty meters, a casting time of two seconds, and a six-second cooldown.

Plague Gourd: "A plague of flies fills a foetid gourd which explodes on your opponent. On a good throw, the plague flies may cause your opponent to become easier to hit for a short time." This is a medium-cost skill dealing a fair amount of damage, and has a bonus critical effect of lowering the target's avoidance (parry, evade, and block) chances by two percent for twenty seconds. The skill has a two-second casting time and an eight-second cooldown.

Head-crack: "A strong blow from the Defiler's staff. Contact with a Defiler's staff can poison many denizens of Middle-earth." This is a costly melee skill dealing medium damage to a single target with a carrier poison-damage DOT dealing moderate damage over a short period of time. This is an instant-cast skill with a short three-second cooldown.

Follow the Gourd!

Defilers are orcs, and therefore get all the racial abilities inherent to other orcs. In addition, the Defiler can earn enhancing traits to alter and improve their Curse of the Sticky Feet, Plague Gourd, and other skills.

We look forward to seeing the shape of monster play battles change with the addition of the orc Defiler, and know that he will have an impact immediately upon arrival in battles across the Ettenmoors!

Source : lotro.com

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Clan of Conan 15 looks at pre-ordering

The next Clan of Conan newsletter is finally here, and as promised by Jørgen Tharaldsen in a recent forum post, it goes a long way towards clearing up some Age of Conan pre-order confusion.

First things first, the 3-day early access: the newsletter confirms that this is exclusively for pre-orders, and that your retailer should provide you with an early-access key. However, to actually get that head start, you'll need to take that key to the Funcom website, and pay $5 / €5 (depending on region) to activate it on your account. This was already known by some, but it's important to really get it out there in a fashion like this so that people aren't disappointed later.

As well as this, the dates for access vary around the world. North Americans will be able to download the client early on May 13th, and start playing early from the 17th. For Europeans the early download will be May 16th, and the early access itself starts on the 20th. This is because the North American release date is also 3 days earlier, with the rest of the Europeans joining the head-starters on the 23rd of May.

The other half of the newsletter looks at pre-order bonus items, and the Collector's Edition contents (which we covered a few months ago). Pre-order bonuses will differ depending on which retailer you go with, so do your research to end up with the items you want. Possibilities for in-game items include a War Mammoth with extra inventory bag, a Killer Rhino with the same bag, and an Amazon Curved Bow. Some retailers may offer other extras that are not in-game, like full-color guide booklets. To get a list of pre-order retailer choices, hit the official AoC website, go through to your region's version, and click the pre-order link to see an updated list tailored for your area.

by William Dobson

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2008. április 16., szerda

Struggling MMO Horizons renamed "Istaria"

Virtrium LLC, the new stewards of the MMO Horizons: Empire of Istaria, announced that Horizons will now be known by the name Istaria: Chronicles of the Gifted.

Virtrium President Rick Simmons explained in a press release blurb and also in an interview with RPG Vault's Jonric that the name was changed because the game is about the world of Istaria and its people, and because it has lived at the domain istaria.com since the beginning. "You have no idea how stupid I've felt explaining that the game was called Horizons, but you had to go to www.istaria.com," he told RPG Vault.

Horizons -- err, Istaria -- has had a rough time of it. After some truly savage corporate politics in the original development studio, the game launched incomplete, buggy, and honestly ... well, lame. It does, however, feature a great crafting system, and it lets you play as a dragon. Simmons was eager to point out both of those things in the RPG Vault interview. It looks like Virtrium is doing as much as a small team can to make the game attractive. Simmons explained: "our niche is very much the crafter, non-competitive gamer, and we're very happy being in it."

He also said that the game has seen a lot of fine tuning in recent months, and that its due for a big content expansion called "the Blighted Labyrinth."

Source : massively.com

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2008. április 15., kedd

New Mmorpg : Mortal Online

For the first time ever we at Star Vault are proud to announce the title of our project: Mortal Online!

It is a very exciting day for everyone involved in this project and we have had some stressful but rewarding days prior to this release. We are very pleased to introduce you to the first teaser of Mortal Online as well as our official homepage and our forums. In the forums you will be able to discuss everything regarding the game, and don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter, that way you will stay up to date on the progress of the game!

Each month we will release as much information as we are able to. This information will concern features, screenshots, races and classes and much more. Every so often we will also try to absorb what is said in the forums and what result the surveys display. Some great ideas might even make their way into the game itself!

I hope you are as excited as we are about Mortal Online and that you will follow us through the journey of development!

Henrik Nyström
CEO & Founder
Star Vault


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Eve Online Client Source Code Leaked

An anonymous reader writes to tell us that the game client source code for the popular MMO, Eve Online, has been leaked via torrent. In addition to the source code the user also posted a lengthy chat transcript with someone from CCP customer support. While the end goal may have been to call attention to the continuing security issues within Eve (and ultimately themselves), there are probably better ways of getting through to support. Unfortunately, CCP seems to be responding with the usual knee-jerk reaction of banning everyone breathing a whisper of this incident. I wonder if any large MMO company will ever be brave enough to calmly address an issue rather than wielding the ban-hammer.

Source : Slashdot

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2008. április 13., vasárnap

World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King FAQ

Details have slowly been trickling out about the next expansion for World of Warcraft through the official site, game conventions, interviews, and staff comments on the always busy WoW forums. Here's a quick summary of what we know about Wrath of the Lich King so far.

Are there going to be new classes added to the game?

Yes, the Death Knight is going to be the game's first "Hero Class." It will only be available to people that have a character of another class over level 55. Rather than starting at level 1, Death Knights will most likely start between level 55 and 70. Death Knights will not replace existing characters and will be available to both factions. Once unlocked you will be able to create a Death Knight using any open character slots you have on any server.

Death Knights will wear plate and are intended to be a tanking class.

Will the level cap be raised?

Yes, the new level cap will be 80, up from 70 in The Burning Crusade. Talent trees for all classes will be extended, and professions will go up to 450.

What new areas will there be in Wrath of the Lich King?

The new land mass that will be featured in the expansion is Northrend, as Outland was the area added with The Burning Crusade. Like Outland, Northrend is divided into different zones with a variety of terrain. The neutral capital city of Northrend is Dalaran, which will be floating in the sky. The continent will be reachable by either boat or zeppelin.

Northrend will have more than one entry point. The Horde start in the Borean Tundra, where Garrosh Hellscream has established the orc fortress of Warsong Hold. The Alliance begin in the Howling Fjord, which is under threat from the Vrykul, a race of half-giant warriors that once inhabited the area.

It looks like Northrend will be divided into about 10 zones. Some will be lush and green, while others are glacial.

One zone, Lake Wintergrasp, is going to be dedicated to PvP combat, and will be contested even on normal (non-PvP) servers. Blizzard plans to make it a persistent zone with siege weapons and destructible buildings. The siege weapons probably won't belong to individual players, but they will be operated and aimed by players.

What will Northrend have for dungeons and raids?

There will be numerous new 5-player dungeons in the expansion, including a Furbolg encounter called Grizzlemaw, a new Caverns of Time instance, and Utgarde Keep. Utgarde Keep, like Blackrock Spire, will have two wings: the Keep, for characters around level 70, and the Pinnacle, for level 80s. No doubt there are additional 25-player raids, but we haven't heard much about them yet.

There is talk about bringing back some of the older level 60 raids that no longer get much attention in a revamped form. Naxxramas is one instance that could be reinvented for the new level cap as a 25-player raid instead of the 40-player raid it is currently.

Does the expansion have new Battlegrounds?

There is at least one new Battleground in the expansion, but we don't have much information on it at this point. It will likely involve the new player-controlled siege engines, and could be another 15 on 15 contest.

What new professions are planned for Wrath of the Lich King?

The only new profession revealed so far is inscribing. This will be similar to enchanting except that it will apply to spells and abilities rather than items.

What else can we expect from the expansion?

It looks like the interface will get a few more improvements, possibly similar to the Outfitter and Item Rack add-ons. Also in the works are barber shops which will allow players to change the hairstyles and facial hair on their characters at any time.

By : internetgames.about.com

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Age of Conan: Character Select Screen Video

Age of Conan developers took a video while working on the in-game character select screen. Figuring that it was pretty cool to look at, they have released the video for viewing pleasure.

Here's what they have to say about it:

Every now and then, we rummage around and find some cool stuff on the way, and we just can't resist sharing it.

For example, we were digging around the various arcane folders in our virtual haunted library and stumbled upon a video from some of the developers, obviously captured while they were working on something.

It was a hot new character select screen, one that's never been seen before. Heck, half the development team probably hasn't seen it. We watched it and we thought, well, that's pretty cool. We should give that to people. Then we should leave, before Gaute comes stomping up to demand an explanation for releasing definite Work In Progress-type stuff.

So, here it is, the very latest, cutting-edge, ganked from the developer's desktop, version of the character selection screen. What's interesting is that has a life of its own, like a day-night cycle (it's night in the clip you're seeing), plus wind and all sorts of things. Some of this is still not even ready for beta, much less public viewing, but we're bringing it to you anyway!

We hope you enjoy!

by:Suzie Ford, WarCry Network

Cryptic beaming up Star Trek Online?

What we heard: Following months of instability, a beleaguered Perpetual Studios officially closed it doors in January, laying off employees and selling off its coveted license to develop a massively multiplayer online game based on sci-fi canon Star Trek. Initial rumblings that came as a precursor to Perpetual's official shuttering indicated that "another Bay Area development studio" would pick up the license to develop an MMOG set in the far-future universe. Although the Bay Area is replete with development houses, eyes quickly turned to Los Gatos-based Cryptic Studios, best known as the developer behind NCsoft's City of Heroes. Evidence continues to mount today that Cryptic will indeed be taking the reins on the Star Trek Online MMOG. Saying it has "independently confirmed with sources," Trekkie hub TrekMovie.com is reporting that the shop is "definitely" the new license holder to develop Star Trek Online. As for why the developer is keeping the project cloaked, TrekMovie states, "Since acquiring the game, Cryptic has been assessing the current state of the game and assets, and deciding what to keep and what to change. Cryptic is holding off on making an announcement because they want to make their announcement more than just words and actually have something to show." Cryptic is certainly positioned to be a likely candidate for salvaging Star Trek Online. After the development house said it would be selling off its interests in City of Heroes/Villains to NCsoft, Cryptic expressly stated that "the decision to sell the franchise allows us to focus resources on our soon to be announced first-party projects." [Emphasis added.] With Microsoft officially pulling the plug on Marvel Universe Online in February, Cryptic's only other announced project is Champions Online. The developer purchased the IP to Champions from pen-and-paper RPG maker Hero Games last month. However, though the developer has expressed interest in developing multiple IPs, much of its resources will be tied up by the task of self-publishing Champions Online. Creating MMOGs in today's market requires an investment of tens of millions of dollars--or $500 million, if Blizzard's World of Warcraft is the target. It seems unlikely that Cryptic, which is a relatively small independent studio, would be able to bankroll more than one MMOG at a time. The official story: Cryptic Studios had not returned requests for comment as of press time. Bogus or not bogus?: Cryptic certainly has the pedigree and experience to handle Star Trek Online, although self-publishing two major MMOGs is a task that even Captain Jean-Luc Picard would find challenging. Either way, with Cryptic keeping mum and no other studios stepping up, Star Trek Online officially remains dead in the water. by gamespot news,( TomM GsCom )

2008. április 12., szombat

EverQuest II enables social interact

And then you need to deliver them to 4 different places and come back. For example Shadowfang Keep used to have mobs from level 18 to 26, but now all bosses are level 20 to 21.

The twelve player team is comprised of three teams with four human players each.[18] [edit] Economics See also: Real-money trading A user browsing the market for items in EVE Online A user browsing the market for items in EVE Online Many MMORPGs feature living economies, as virtual items and currency have to be gained through play and have definite value for players. The Nihilum guy has a rather limited opinion of gear: "Players that really want to kill a boss usually have already done so, those that haven t killed it so far are lacking something, usually the problem is a lack of dedication amongst it s raiders and not the gear they have, gear is too easy to be the problem and bosses aren t tuned that well in TBC. Problem with that is that social engineering isn t easy, and if it is overdone it can easily backfire. On the other hand PvP has a huge advantage regarding archetypes in that it is Rumsfeldian: You go to war with the army you have, not the tank / dps / healer mix you d want for a group or raid.[2] During the TGS 2007, Home was announced to be delayed until Spring 2008, though home will still have an earlier "open beta" release. I m talking about the constant whiners that annoy the true gamers like a bug flying in your ear. Would you buy single-player WoW? - posted by Tobold @ 8:35 PM Permanent Link (48) comments Links to this post The flexible solution In the third and last article on how to solve the problem of new players solo rushing through old content to reach the level cap and then not knowing how to group once arrived there, I m going to talk about flexible levels. Save the creativity for expansions.[17] Richard Bartle has classified multiplayer RPG-players into four primary psychological groups. Players are allowed to create characters at maximum level and the best equipment specifically for PvP play, which is unusual for MMORPGs. Most famous is the "staring at an ass in tights all day" argument of Francis from Scott Kurtz s PvPOnline comic.us Buying a Nintendo Wii - Impossible? August 8th, 2007 This is *slightly* off-topic… Recently, I decided to buy a few next generation console systems. mmorpg So this weekend I was having a lot of fun. Most of these games generate revenue by selling in-game "enhancements", and due to their free nature have accumulated huge numbers of registered accounts over the years, with a majority of them from East Asia. Meanwhile, the PLATO computer system, an educational computer system based on mainframe computers with graphical terminals, was pioneering many areas of multiuser computer systems. 2001 also saw MMORPGs move off of PCs and onto home console with the release of Phantasy Star Online[8].[15] Many players report that the emotions they feel while playing an MMORPG are very strong, to the extent that 8. I remember in 2004 some people claimed that WoW was all hype and no substance. The process is also apparently being applied in reverse, with James Cameron designing an MMORPG that will precede a film (Project 880) to which it is tied. Or the guild decided to go to a different raid dungeon than you would have preferred. But in a PvP-based game like WAR one side having an advantage over the other due to the use of addons is more problematic.10 changed those caps to 5 and 10. [edit] Co-operative gameplay A warrior fights a pair of Charr in Ascalon, in the Prophecies campaign. Scrapping their initial plans for a fourth campaign, ArenaNet have released an expansion pack, Guild Wars: Eye of the North, to the previous three campaigns on August 31, 2007. blog Some of these rewards advance not only the particular character but also unlock features of the game account-wide.[citation needed] [edit] Psychology Since the interactions between MMORPG players are real, even if the environments are not, psychologists and sociologists are able to use MMORPGs as tools for academic research. But whether you ask around, or use QuestHelper, or use a quest spoiler site, the result is always the same: exploration stops being part of the quest. EverQuest II enables social interaction with other players through grouping and through the creation of guilds. blog

2008. április 7., hétfő

At some point one side is declared the

And there are some ruins populated by demons, which used to be a popular place to farm Felcloth. Also traditional in the genre is the eventual demand on players to team up with others in order to progress at the optimal rate. There is a group of shipwrecked people hidden in a canyon on the coast, which you need to protect from a nage attack, but the quest leads nowhere, and few people ever even find it. All player characters have a maximum character level of 20 that is reached fairly early on in the co-operative story. mmorpg In June 2005, SOE introduced Station Exchange to EverQuest II. I thought there is no way the Wii is **that** hard to find considering it has been out for almost a year already. But whether you ask around, or use QuestHelper, or use a quest spoiler site, the result is always the same: exploration stops being part of the quest. For the next few days, we will look at the newest MMORPGs destined to hit the market.[5] Contents [hide] * 1 Common features o 1. Both modes encourage teaming up with other players or AI controlled NPCs known as henchmen. A few of the most successful of these are Silkroad Online by the publisher Joymax, the 3D sprite based MMORPG Flyff by Aeonsoft, Rappelz by NFlavor, , Cronous by Lizard Interactive, the 2D scrolling MMORPG MapleStory by Wizet and finally the free-to-play converted Shadowbane by Ubisoft. Free MMORPG Toplist Don t worry though, my Champion s mis-matched, clown-like (but very effective) armor will still be providing all of the stats. The choice of armor and weapons determine the character s health points. Problem is that this isn t very likely.[4] Although very basic, its use of online avatars (already well established off-line by Ultima and other games) and combining chat and graphics was revolutionary.[7] Still, MMORPGs may offer "RP-only" servers for those who wish to immerse themselves in the game in this way. He correctly points out how little intuitive it is that monsters detect you when you cross an invisible circle, regardless of direction. Why X MMO is better than X MMO Random new generic mmo that is going to be the best thing since oxygen, but never gets released. The object of the game is to score more points than the other team by inserting a rubber ball into a basketball goal. Which is an interesting way to see it. 3 Introduced with Game Update 35. As with other modern 3D games, the front-end requires expertise with implementing 3D engines, real-time shader techniques and physics simulation. But I don t agree that taking away epics rewards from PvP would be the good solution to that. Keep farming Karazhan? Go for Zul Aman or Gruul? Do an all out assault on Serpentshrine Cavern? Or some mix of all of this? Most likely there are people more and less advanced in your guild. It remains a mystery to me how freetraders and other classes are supposed to work together and both have something from it. PvP roles for a warrior tank are even more limited. I haven t uninstalled QuestHelper yet, but I turned off the path with the "/qh ants" command. "But Tay, this topic has been beaten to death as well…" This is true, but most bloggers waste too much time and energy worrying about "the great evil" instead of focusing on the interesting sub-culture and techniques behind the madness. blog The Nihilum guy, being on the top of the food chain, sees that eternal guild drama as a plus, and moans it passing: "I would say that this is the main reason why so many guilds are struggling or disbanding, they simply do not have a reason to exist anymore, and without that, guilds are doomed. free mmorpg blogs Gruul grows and grows, but if the raid group does enough dps, they ll kill him before he grows unmanageable. Everquest and World of Warcraft are two examples of games that use such a format. At some point one side is declared the winner, and the map resets.

2008. április 6., vasárnap

Some of these rewards advance not only

Hydross has two different modes, water and poison, and due to a debuff you can only tank him in one mode for a limited time, and then need to drag him over a line to change his mode. The co-operative parts of Guild Wars use several standard tropes of the MMORPG genre. You d still need to increase the rewards for grouping to make up for waiting in a queue and potentially being grouped with nitwits. "Grand Theft Auto s growth continues to exceed all our expectations," said Leslie Benzies. free mmorpg You can PvP whenever and however you want. You don t need to spend as much time creating an environment and back story since it is already there. And even if PvP epics were better than raiding epics, I d probably end up raiding more than PvPing, just because I personally like cooperative gameplay more than competitive one. Conquering enemy lands in WAR, PotBS, or any other MMORPG can t be permanent. You simply need to go from trying to enforce social ties to trying to promote social ties. We look forward to offering a more invigorating experience for our current fans and welcoming new players into the world this holiday season through our open beta test. I wonder if Azshara will ever get the "Dustwallow Marsh treatment", adding a village or two, a few dozen new quests, and opening up Ursolan and the battleground. Still roguelike, this game became available to consumers in 1984 for $12. rpg As neither level 60 herbs nor cloth are very interesting any more, Azshara is pretty much deserted right now. Unlike most RPGs, Guild Wars has no healing potions; instead, the party s health is managed by a number of healing skills in every class and a few dedicated healing classes. And again I agree with Nihilum and say that cooperative gameplay is the strength of a MMORPG, and should be fostered. Players are allowed to create characters at maximum level and the best equipment specifically for PvP play, which is unusual for MMORPGs. Some of these rewards advance not only the particular character but also unlock features of the game account-wide.

” Also… “In the world outside of t

From the point of view of the guild member, the same problems appear, only from a different perspective.[28] [edit] Development The cost of developing a competitive commercial MMORPG title often exceeds ten million dollars. And the frequently discussed here option of "easy mode" and heroic raids to the same raid dungeon would also make cooperative gameplay more attractive. * Exchanges of real-world currencies for virtual currencies.[citation needed] More dialog has been added since release as part of regular game updates. If you sell your game for around $50 and take a monthly fee of $13 to $15, you make just over $200 per subscriber per year. I was discussing how to equip my warrior with a reader who sent me a couple of tips by e-mail. The next thing you will be talking about is an adventure where the hero is a plumber trying to save a princess(that lives with toad people) from a giant evil turtle. MMORPG TOPLIST Some GMs may have additional access to features and information related to the game that are not available to other players and roles. "What the hell are you talking about this time Tayman?" It doesn t matter how much I love the game, there is always at least one oxygen bandit (idiot) that annoys the hell out of me. PvP is as popular as never before, and many, many players are in the battlegrounds and arenas for the epics. With over 200,000 test responses as of 2006, this is perhaps the largest ongoing survey of multiplayer game players. Is that good news or bad news? Nobody remembers it any more, but World of Warcraft shipped with a pretty bad UI. Just be careful where you go and who you choose to trust- the world of Eschalon can be a deadly place for an inexperienced adventurer. The object of the game is to score more points than the other team by inserting a rubber ball into a basketball goal. Take-Two s common stock is publicly traded on NASDAQ under the symbol TTWO." Also… "In the world outside of the player house, players can meet and chat with other community-members.

2008. április 5., szombat

Players who own two or more campaigns m

You can t just take the first 10 people showing up or do a lottery; you need so and so many tanks, so and so many healers, this or that crowd control, this or that special class for some special encounter, and only when you have filled all those slots there are a few spots remaining for "random" dps classes. Likewise, Warlocks and Wizards (the Sorcerer classes) gained the ability to teleport themselves or their groups to one of three wizard spires. You can suffer this virtual death penalty for minor crimes like sexual harassment or black market activities, which in the real world would be punishable by only a fine.25 million subscribers worldwide, with servers in Japan, China, North America, Taiwan, and Europe, once the popularity of the game had surged in the West. Sony will be creating a more polished version of Second Life with millions of dollars behind the development. Players are allowed to create characters at maximum level and the best equipment specifically for PvP play, which is unusual for MMORPGs. In 1993 at an AIR WARRIOR convention at Houston Texas, Robert "GunJam" Salinas met Dale "Hitech" Addink and saw the communications code and other pieces of code that greatly enhanced and superior to AIR WARRIOR, This new code called Vfilm, HTsim, and the terrain editor, built by Mr Addink. I do believe that if Blizzard made raiding much, much easier, some hardcore raiders would have all the raid dungeons on farm by now and might quit because there was no more challenge left. MMORPG TOPSITES I d say that amnesties don t have to be total. A bit more elaborate to make sure each group has a tank and a healer, but otherwise similar. My frostbolts do over 700 points of damage, nearly 1500 for crits, and as mobs of my level have less than 3000 health, I can kill them with 2 to 4 bolts. The one thing I agree with the author from Nihilum is that World of Warcraft is currently moving away from group play and towards pseudo-solo PvP play. Still, there are a few obvious developments. They rarely ever reach me. Which is an interesting way to see it. play by email I thought there is no way the Wii is **that** hard to find considering it has been out for almost a year already. I blame the Dunbar number. Is the mmo world a boring topic now? Posted in MMORPG, Video Games, games, gaming | No Comments » Bookmark on del. Sony will be creating a more polished version of Second Life with millions of dollars behind the development. Too bad many games don t disclose their subscription numbers any more, especially not when they are going down. MMORPG RANKINGS Players who own two or more campaigns may transport their characters freely from one campaign to the other.